Monday, March 29, 2021

Prof. Michael Grätzel - Solar Energy - April 2021 Talk


Bonjour tout le monde,

J'espère que vous allez bien et en bonne santé.
Notre division étudiant de l’ECS à Montréal est trop contente de vous annoncer que, durant l’année 2021, nous allons commencer une série de conférences mensuelles couvrant divers sujets en électrochimie.
Étant donné que notre premier domaine abordé sera l'Énergie Solaire, nous sommes plus que ravis d’accueillir le Professeur Michael Grätzel de l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne ‐ EPFL. Prof. Michael Grätzel est une légende dans le domaine de l’énergie photovoltaïque, avec plus de 1000 publications, deux livres et plus de 80 brevets.
Vous n'aurez pas seulement la chance d'assister à son discours intitulé; "Molecular Photovoltaics and Artificial Photosynthesis", mais aussi avoir une discussion sur son travail de recherche ainsi que le vôtre, sur sa carrière et sur toutes vos questions académiques et professionnelles. Nous pensons que cette conférence est une excellente opportunité pour les jeunes électrochimistes et étudiants chercheurs intéressés et travaillant dans le domaine de l'énergie solaire, alors assurez-vous d'y assister.
La conférence aura lieu le 1er Avril 2021, à 10h00 EDT. Durant la conférence, nous allons aussi avoir la chance de vous présenter notre plan pour les conférences mensuelles à venir.

Veuillez utiliser ce lien Zoom pour vous connecter :

Au plaisir de vous accueillir en grand nombre,
Division étudiante de l'ECS Montréal

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well and keeping high motivation as well.
We, ECS Montreal student chapter, are glad to announce our monthly talk series for the year 2021 spanning various subjects in electrochemistry.
As our first topic is Solar Energy, we are thus thrilled to have Prof. Michael Grätzel from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne ‐ EPFL on our first talk. Prof. Michael Grätzel is a legend in the photovoltaic field with over 1000 publications, two books, and over 80 patents.
You will not only have the chance to assist to his talk titled; "Molecular Photovoltaics and Artificial Photosynthesis", but rather discuss his and your research work and address your career inquiries and all academic and professional questions.
We believe this talk is a great opportunity for young electrochemists and graduate students interested and working in the field of solar energy, so make sure you attend.
The talk will take place on April 1st, 2021 at 10 am EDT. During the conference, we will have the chance to present you our plan for the upcoming monthly talks.

Please use this Zoom link to join the symposium:

And feel free to reach out to us for any question or inquiry.

Looking forward to seeing you all there,
ECS Mtl Student Chapter 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Virtual Symposium - Montréal ECS Student Chapter

Hello everyone!

We have the schedule for this Fridays virtual symposium, along with the Eventbrite and zoom link for the event. 


Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 614 246 9815

Everyone who plans on attending can register with Eventbrite, that way we can get an idea of how many people plan on attending our virtual symposium. When registering for the event, please use your ECS ID. If you do not have one, registration is free when you write ECS Montreal Student Chapter.

Just a reminder for everyone, that when opening zoom please do NOT allow for access to video or microphone. ESC will control access and go over everything you'll need to know about how to ask questions and such at the beginning of the symposium.

Hope to see everyone Friday at 10am!



I hope you are all well during this tumultuous period. As you know, scientific conferences will likely not occur until late 2021. Our student chapter is adapting to this situation by hosting its first ever virtual symposium. This offers us the ability to invite a speaker that would otherwise be prohibitively far. That being said, I am very excited to announce that this year’s keynote speaker will be Prof. Clare Grey from Cambridge University. The Grey group specializes in (amongst others) NMR and XRD techniques applied to Li-ion battery materials, supercapacitors and MOFs.

The symposium will take place on June 19th, 2020 at 10am. We are accepting abstracts for up to 4 student presentations (10 minutes each). The abstracts are to be sent to using the attached template no later than June 5th, 2020. Please see the outline for submission posted on the Facebook Group.

You may also indicate whether or not you are interested in participating in a virtual poster session (more on this below). This will involve forming breakout rooms where attendees will join for more personal discussion about your work.


Virtual poster session:

This year we are hosting a virtual poster session. Send us a .pdf file with your poster. If selected, we will (optionally) put your poster on our Facebook page before the event and will set you up in a breakout room at the end of the talks to discuss your research with other attendees.
We are newly offering FREE ECS membership to participants. Registration is required for speakers and optional for attendees Follow this link and write “ECS Montreal Student Chapter” in the comments:

*Note: For those who have restrictions on the presentation of their research, we can omit putting your poster on Facebook beforehand. Please indicate this to us when submitting you abstract. An “opt-out” system is in place. Please email ( if you wish to not have your poster on Facebook

Monday, May 06, 2019

2019 Program

The 2019 program for the 9th Electrochemistry Symposium is now available here.

If you haven't had a chance to sign up yet, please follow this link to register!

Can't wait to see everyone this Friday!

Thursday, May 02, 2019

Thank you to our sponsors!

Nous remercions grandement nos commanditaires pour le 9e colloque qui sera le 10 mai 2019! Il n'est pas trop tard pour s'enregistrer, c'est GRATUIT!

We would like to thanks all of our fantastic sponsors for the 9th symposium taking place May 10, 2019! It is not too late to register for FREE!

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Travel Award 2019 Application!

For those of you travelling from outside of the city to attend the symposium this year, please fill out this form to apply for reimbursement of your travel costs. 

Pour ceux d'entre vous qui voyagez de loin pour vous rendre au colloque cette année, SVP remplissez ce formulaire afin d'appliquer pour un remboursement de vos frais de voyage.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

9th Electrochemistry Symposium - ECS Montréal

We are excited to announce our invited speakers this year are Prof. Gerald Frankel from Ohio State University who is specialized in corrosion and Prof. Nikolay Kornienko from Université de Montréal, a new professor who specializes in biocatalysis amongst other topics.
For event details, abstract submission and to register, please click the link here.

The symposium will be held at UQAM on May 10th, 2019

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Registration Open for September Ultra Microelectrode Workshop!

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer notre prochain événement cette année: un atelier sur la fabrication des ultra microélectrodes! L'atelier sera le 17 et 18 septembre 2018 et l'entrée sera gratuite. Pour vous enregistrer vous pouvez suivre ce lien. L'atelier sera en anglais.

We are happy to announce our next event this year: a ultra microelectrode workshop! The event will take place September 17th and 18th 2018 and is free of charge. Feel free to register to the event by clicking here.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Booklet Available!

We have released the booklet for the symposium! You can download it here. See you all on Friday!

Vous pouvez télécharger le programme pour le colloque ici. À vendredi!